29 July 2009

my recent project: House of Martha Tilaar

this project makes me can't sleep all day long, maybe two or three days...
especially, when the deadline comes...
it's such a nightmareeee...

site plan

furniture layout

the archicad

i must focus and do this fucking project..
GOD..., give some spirit to do..
wish me luck fellas..!! :)

25 July 2009

newnewnew.. :)

finally i made this blog..

setelah melihat-lihat blog-nya orang-orang, jadi pengen jugaaa...
hahahahaha... :D
latah aja ye gw.., bodo ahh..

euumm.., apa lagi yahh..??
itu aja dehhh.., mohon bimbingannya ya semuaa.. :)
mudah-mudahan aku bisa terus meng-update, ga cuma karna pengen ikut-ikutan aja..

keep dreaming.. :)